Remodern Ranch

cocktails and craft



Taking Stock: Our First Year of Homeownership

So. It’s been an intense first year of homeownership! I learned a lot about myself and my style. I learned I am terrible at moving in. It’s been a year and I have almost no art on the walls, and… Continue Reading →

Graduation & The Rest of Our Lives

I’ve got some pics I have to put up of my grad school commencement ceremony. And I’m relaunching my personal/professional website: It’s very much still under construction but already looking better than ever before (if I do say so… Continue Reading →

Looking back and looking forward

First, my Christmas letter equivalent: Frankly, all we did was work in 2011. It was a tough year in that respect but we were grateful to have all the opportunities. Dale had a photography studio and building it kept him… Continue Reading →


We were without power for a few days due to the storms. It sucked. And we are still behind on blogging. Thumbs down!

February Updatey-ness

February was pretty quiet… Monty was bored. So was Dale…so I got him an ice cream maker. It has gotten quite the work out since then! To relieve the boredom we took a quick trip to the Museum of Science… Continue Reading →

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