Last weekend we made a quick trip to Michigan to go to Dale’s maternal grandmother’s 90th birthday party! It was a huge success–everybody was there! Dale took some photos to commemorate the occasion.

Dale’s grandmothers! Grandma Cutcher and Grandma Murray (his mom’s mom and his dad’s mom). It was sweet of Grandma Murray to come to the party; Dale was excited to have both his grannies in one place.

Grandma Cutcher’s brood: (top) Beverly, Donnie, Genevieve, Jackie, John, (bottom) Darlene, and Grandma Cutcher.

Grandma’s portrait for the local paper…

Lauren (our niece, for those that don’t know) and Grandma.

Grandma Cutcher and her sister.

To see all of the pictures that Dale took, check out our gallery by clicking here.