We are huge fans of craigslist! We look for jobs, freebies, and furniture. And we’ve pretty much hit the jackpot on furniture. Dale found this lovely cabinet in Elgin (a nearby suburb). We headed out to the lady’s house and–wow–what a great midcentury modern house it was! This works great for us for storage. I keep dining table goodies at the bottom.

The top is why we bought the thing in the first place. LOOK AT THIS! The top pops up, the front hinge releases to show up a vintage mini bar! The original glassware is included. Six rocks glasses, six highball glasses, and six shot glasses! I LOVE it. There are two cubbyholes in the back corners where you can stow away traditionally shaped liquor bottles. WOW!

We got it for an absurdly low price and we love it! (note: Minky is on the right side in the gold box. It’s a can opener that has red beads for eyes and a “mink” coat! I got him at an antique shop about a decade ago. I LOVE HIM.)