Just before we left on vacation the Ranger family came to visit! They stayed with Rebecca & Pat. I hung out with them quite a bit and it was a lovely visit! We all went to the zoo.
I think Margaux really enjoyed having company…here is she on the carousel at the zoo.
This is Maggie enjoying the butterfly house–I must say that kids move quick. I barely got any in-focus shots of them!
And here’s little Max taking in the carousel action.
We saw lots of animals–my favorite was the pooping tiger! Hee!
We were all exhausted from the heat and excitement, none more than Maggie!
We also got to go out to dinner and took the kids to an indoor play park. Us ladies had a little gal pal bonding time, too. Great to see everybody, as always.
June 14, 2010 at 7:39 am
Poor tiger, having to poop in front of a crowd! Oh, and it was good to see you too!
June 14, 2010 at 7:58 am
It is a bit undignified for such a powerful animal.