We had a lovely time in Flint for the Christmas holiday! We caught up with many friends and family members and we brought home quite the booty…for the cats.

Dale’s mom got what amounted to a whole new toybox of toys for the kitties. I spread them out to show the cats (and to take a picture because I’m a dork) and Monty came ’round to inspect his winnings!

Realizing this was a bounty of toys for him, he took the appropriate action:

He started guarding the toys from me! God forbid he shares. Needless to say, he was exciting about his new goodies! The cats were particularly terrified by the battery-operated rolling mouse. They pounced on it at first but then grew frightened. It was pretty funny!

Happy New Year, Friends & Family! So happy we got to meet up with so many people but we’re sad the trip was so short!