What have we been up to since Memorial Day? It’s been pretty random… I made Dale his favorite pancakes! This mix is from American Spoon and is one of our favorite things. They turn out brown and thin and tasty!… Continue Reading →
I have long wanted a View-Master Model D. It’s considered the best of the line. It features an internal light source and a focusing feature that allows me to view the reels without my glasses. I gave the old gal… Continue Reading →
Dale bought me a gingerbread house kit waaaay back in January because we’d seen one of those gingerbread house competitions on the Food Network. Fast forward 10+ months to a lazy Sunday in November. It’s time to get ready for… Continue Reading →
When we went to the National Stereoscopic Association’s trade fair a couple of weeks back Dale picked up a couple of photography magazines that gave him pointers on how to create 3D images using his digital camera on a tripod… Continue Reading →
Last weekend Dale and I went to the National Stereoscopic Association’s trade show. A tiny collectibles fair filled with nothing but 3D nerds! I was excited to go because I love to collect antique view-master reels! Dale was a trooper…. Continue Reading →
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