Last Saturday Dale and I went to lunch in the midst of an attempt to break the Guinness World’s Record for the largest mass doggie wedding! It was a charity event for the Oak Park Animal Care League. We saw lots of adorable puppies and their nutty families.

This little dude was Dale’s favorite–he loved the hat! He loved the nose and the ears. He loved it all.

This gentleman was in line holding a friend’s dog. He told Dale that he’d always felt secure in his manhood–until he found himself holding somebody else’s tiny puppy so that the puppy could get married.

This little couple was in hot demand! They had their own customized stroller. It was quite chilly and lots of puppies were suffering from the cold and snuggling up to each other and to their owners. These two had it made!

Many others simply opted to dress for the weather…

As opposed to just dressing for the occasion as these two did.
This big guy wasn’t playing games–he had a hat and a scarf! Amusingly, his hat fell over one eye and he kept tipping his head to move the hat and it looked like he was nodding his head to everyone that walked by!

This little one–Mia!–was the star of the show. She was propped atop a heavily decorated shopping cart and even had her own theme music blasting. The nutty owner even wore heart-shaped, rose-tinted glasses. Amazing!

We didn’t stay for the whole thing but Dale had so much fun shooting the doggies that he’s put up a gallery. Click here to check out Dale’s complete gallery!

I think my favorite thing about this event–aside from my genuine love of absurdity–was how much the owners obviously loved their pets. My favorite moments–and photos in the gallery–show the humans looking at the dogs with love and pride. The folks that came out saw the humor in the situation but were also eager to show their pupper off as a great dog. Sadly, no records were broken but I’m guessing lots of dog bladders were tested!